Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students and Senior Lecturer at Diaspora Yeshiva, is not only a popular speaker and teacher, but also a dynamic thinker and writer. A student of Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky and Harav Gedalia Schorr, Rabbi Sprecher was granted smicha (rabbinical ordination) by Torah Vodaath Yeshiva. Prior to his current position, Rabbi Sprecher was a professor of Judaic studies at Touro College in New York. In addition to his duties at Diaspora Yeshiva, Rabbi Sprecher writes a regular column on various Judaic topics in the Jewish Press, and lectures regularly at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem.
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 Wine in Judaism : Tikun For The Sin Of Adam & Noach  .: Viewed: 4622 times :.
Why is wine so essential to Judaism? All of our sacred occasions are accompanied by the drinking of wine. To find the answer we must look into the Talmud. The Talmud discusses the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, wondering what type of fruit it was (B. Berachot 40a; B. Sanhedrin 70 a-b). Three opinions are presented. According to one opinion, the forbidden fruit was wheat. This...
Published: October 15, 2012
 Written In Stone!  .: Viewed: 2031 times :.
Parshat Eikev states, “At that time G-d said to me, carve out two tablets of stone like the first…. And I (G-d) will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets…  And I put the tablets in the Ark which I made.” (D’varim 10) Rav S.R. Hirsch notes that whenever the Torah discusses the LUCHOT – TABLETS, it mentions the material,...
Published: August 20, 2016
 Yaakov's Heavenly Wrestling Match  .: Viewed: 2857 times :.
Could Yaakov's wrestling with a mysterious angel have been the beginning of a process of Teshuvah for having taken the blessings of his brother Eisav? Rambam states that an essential element of Teshuvah is acknowledgement of the wrongdoing and a deep sense of regret and shame for the sin. The mysterious angel who wrestled with Yaakov may have been Yaakov himself – his inner...
Published: November 26, 2014
 Yaakov's Wandering Hands!  .: Viewed: 2338 times :.
The Torah tells us (Bereshit 48:14) that when Yaakov Avinu was blessing his grandsons, Ephraim and Menashe, "he manoeuvred his hands". Yaakov crossed his hands so that his right hand ended up on Ephraim, who was on his left side, and his left hand ended up on Menashe, who was on Yaakov's right side. The fact that Yaakov switched hands teaches us an important lesson about our interpersonal...
Published: December 29, 2014
 Yaakov’s 70 Nation Builders  .: Viewed: 1737 times :.
“The total number of souls of Yaakov’s household who came to Egypt was 70 persons.” (Bereshis 46:27) The Prophet Isaiah states that the mission of the Jewish People is to be a light to the 70 nations of the world. By descending into the Egyptian exile, the nucleus of the Jewish People (Yaakov and his family) began the process of elevating and transforming the 70 nations of...
Published: December 26, 2019
 Yaakov’s 12 Sons: Star Power Plus  .: Viewed: 1903 times :.
Yosef had a dream about himself and his brothers. “And he dreamed another dream, and told it to his brothers, and said, I have dreamed that the sun, the moon, and 11 stars bowed down to me” (Bereshit 37:9). One of the meanings of Yosef’s dream is that the Jewish People are All Stars. Perhaps that is why Jews invented Hollywood. (Pun Intended) In Jewish astrology, G-d...
Published: December 20, 2017
 Yakov’s Weird Wedding  .: Viewed: 1918 times :.
The father of the first Jewish family, Yakov, was the victim of a last minute switch on his wedding night. His father-in-law, Lavan, substituted Leah, the older of his two daughters, for Rachel, the one whom Yakov loved and worked for. Yakov discovered the deception only after he had consummated the marriage with Leah. Yakov, choosing to accept his Mazal (fate), remained with Leah and later...
Published: November 7, 2018
 Yom Kippur - G-d’s Debate with Israel  .: Viewed: 1765 times :.
The Mishna in Yoma 8 states, "Sins that are between a person and his fellow Jew are NOT atoned for on Yom Kippur." One cannot offend and harm another person and ask for forgiveness from G-d. Forgiveness must be asked and can only come from the person that we hurt, and only he can pardon us. Thus, on the morning of Yom Kippur we read the amazing words of the prophet, Yeshayahu, (Ch.58) where...
Published: August 31, 2018
 Yom Kippur - The YICHUD of God and Israel  .: Viewed: 1773 times :.
“For on this day, He shall grant Atonement for you, to purify you, from all of your sins shall you be pure before G‑d.” (Vayikra 16:30) Jay and the Americans had a hit song in the 60’s called “Let’s Lock the Door.” Jay attended Yeshiva Torat Emet in Boro Park. Was he singing about the NEILA (lock the gate) Prayer on Yom Kippur? The Hebrew word for the...
Published: April 21, 2020
 Yom Kippur: A Taste of Eternity  .: Viewed: 3320 times :.
Yom Kippur is the most solemn day of the Jewish year and it is also the strangest day, because it seems to negate all that makes us human. For this one day we step out of ourselves and become something else, something other wordly. We are no longer part of this world as we know it. Denying our bodies food, drink, sex and any possible physical pleasure, we act as if the normal impulses that...
Published: September 4, 2011
 Yom Kippur: An Out of Body Experience  .: Viewed: 3111 times :.
Yom Kippur is the most solemn day of the Jewish year and it is also the strangest day, because it seems to negate all that makes us human. For this one day we step out of ourselves and become something else, something other wordly. We are no longer part of this world as we know it. Denying our bodies food, drink, sex and any possible physical pleasure, we act as if the normal impulses that...
Published: May 24, 2011
 Yom Kippur's Magic Moment  .: Viewed: 2014 times :.
Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook draws our attention to a strange phrase at the end of the Al Chet confession, which is said on Yom Kippur. "My G-D, before I was formed I was of no worth, and now that I have been formed, it is as if I was not formed." Rav Kook explains that the first part of this confession is easy to understand. Before I was formed I was obviously of no worth, since I did not yet...
Published: September 22, 2016
 Yom Kippur's Mystical Challenge  .: Viewed: 2898 times :.
The common perception of Yom Kippur is the ultimate "Don't - Can't" experience.  Don't eatDon't drinkCan't even wash your face. For most people, Yom Kippur is an ordeal that we have to get through, an exercise in self-denial that is even more constricting than Shabbat.   The long synagogue service and repeated emphasis on guilt and sin turn Yom Kippur into a day of awe and anxiety despair...
Published: September 19, 2007
 Yom KippurÂ’s Mysterious Scapegoat: SatanÂ’s Bribe?  .: Viewed: 3338 times :.
What is the meaning and purpose of the strange ceremony of the scapegoat which involves pushing a goat off a cliff on Yom Kippur?  Ramban explains according to the Kabbalah that it is a symbolic pay-off or bribe to the Satan to prevent him from prosecuting Israel on Yom Kippur. That’s why the ceremony of the scapegoat is done through a lottery which is determined and controlled by G-d....
Published: May 24, 2011
 Yom Kipur – Rehearsal for Eternity!  .: Viewed: 2522 times :.
The last Mishna in Taanit states, "There is no more joyous festival for Israel than Yom Kipur." Yet Yom Kipur is also the most solemn day of the Jewish year, and it is also the strangest day, because it seems to negate all that makes us human. For that one day we step out of ourselves and have an Out of Body Experience. We are no longer part of this world as we know it. Denying our bodies the...
Published: September 5, 2014
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