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How lashon hara leads to metzora .: Viewed: 1732 times :. The Torah warns that one who speaks Lashon Hara will be afflicted with Tzoraat. In fact, the word METZORA is an acronym for Motzi Shem Ra, which means slanderous and evil speech. What is the Middah K'neged Middah here? We know that G-d always punishes measure for measure.
The answer here is, a person who has Tzoraat may be 99% healthy. There may be only one small blotch of Tzoraat on his... Published: March 24, 2018 |
Moshe-Prince of Egypt .: Viewed: 1725 times :. Although born to a noble Levite family, the son of Amram and Yocheved, Moshe had an upbringing in his formative years in the palace of Pharaoh. Moshe grew up as a Prince in the mightiest world power of his day. Despite the fact that all the Jewish boys that were born during the same period as Moshe were ordered killed by being cast into the Nile, G-D manipulated events so that Moshe would not... Published: February 8, 2017 |
Shabbat – The Soul Of The World! .: Viewed: 1723 times :. In the division of the Torah into chapters and verses, the account of Shabbat in the Creation story comes at the beginning of Chapter 2. The Abarbanel informs us, that this division of the Bible into different chapters, is NOT of Jewish origin. These chapter divisions were invented by the Medieval Christian Bible printers. We use them for convenience only.
By beginning a new chapter with... Published: September 27, 2017 |
Moshe’s Shiny Face .: Viewed: 1722 times :. After his third forty day stay on Mount Sinai, Moshe descended on the 10th of Tishrei – Yom Kippur carrying the second set of the Holy Tablets. These replaced the First Tablets that Moshe broke when he saw the Jews worshipping the Golden Calf. Moshe’s extended stay on Mount Sinai in G‑d’s presence left a permanent impression on his body – his face radiated G‑d’s... Published: February 25, 2020 |
Where Have You Gone Aaron haKohen? .: Viewed: 1720 times :. To paraphrase Simon and Garfunkel’s great song, “Where have you gone Aaron haKohen, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you!”
Why is Aaron haKohen's Yahrzeit the only one mentioned in the Torah? None of the Avot or the Imahot were accorded such an honor and not even Moshe Rabbenu. Only the date of the death of Aaron is mentioned. Why?
Aaron's Yahrtzeit is the first day... Published: July 13, 2018 |
Bilam’s Blessing - CARPE DIEM .: Viewed: 1720 times :. Some of the most beautiful blessings that we receive in the Torah, are stated by the infamous and evil Bilam. For instance, “Behold, the Jewish People will arise like a mighty lion…” (Bamidbar 23:24)
Rashi comments on this verse that Israel strengthens themselves like a ferocious lion to seize the Mitzvot. Rashi explains that when we awake from our sleep in the early... Published: July 5, 2019 |
MY WAY! .: Viewed: 1713 times :. In Parshat Naso, each tribal leader presents gifts and sacrificial offerings for the dedication of the Alter in the Mishkan. And although the offerings of the tribal chiefs were all identical, the Torah enumerates and repeats each one 12 times over. This is despite the fact that there is a general rule that the verses of the Torah are written with the upmost brevity. There are exactly 304,805... Published: May 16, 2018 |
Doing a Mitzvah at the Zoo .: Viewed: 1712 times :. When I study Parshat Noach, I try to imagine all of the exotic creatures that G-d created. Therefore, some of my students and I visited the wonderful and exotic Ramat Gan Safari Zoo. Can one do a Mitzvah at the zoo? A visit to the zoo is a chance to experience the wonders of G-d's creation and acknowledge that opportunity with the appropriate blessing.
The Mishnah in Avot 2 states, "Let all... Published: October 4, 2018 |
Mt. Moriah vs. Mt. Sinai .: Viewed: 1711 times :. After the Akeida on Mt. Moriah, Avraham named that site “Hashem Yireh” which means G-d sees all. Then he continues, “On this mountain G-d will be seen” (Bereshit 22:14). According to the Rambam Hilchot Beth Habechirah 7, even today we are prohibited from walking on Mt. Moriah, where the Temple stood. The reason is that this place still retains its Kedusha even in the... Published: October 24, 2017 |
Noach vs. Avraham – Why Avraham Wins .: Viewed: 1705 times :. G-d tells Avraham, "Walk before Me and be complete." (Bereshit 17:1) Rashi says that Avraham's completeness, his capacity to be Tamim, was obtained by his observance of the Mitzvah of Brit Milah. As long as he had the orlah (foreskin) he had a physical imperfection. With its removal, Avraham now became complete. The question is why Avraham needed the Mitzvah of Milah to become a Tamim... Published: October 9, 2013 |
Can You Take It With You? .: Viewed: 1702 times :. Is there a way to take it with you? Jack Benny famously said, “If I can’t take it with me, I’m not going.” But as we all know, he went anyway.
The Torah states in Parshat Terumah, “Speak to the children of Israel and have them TAKE to Me a contribution.” (Shemot 25:2)
Why does the verse state “TAKE to Me” rather than “Give to... Published: January 30, 2019 |
TZITZIT - Buy One, Get 613 .: Viewed: 1700 times :. “When You see the TZITZIT, you will remember all the Mitzvot of G-d, in order to perform them” (Bamidbar 15:39).
Rashi comments on this verse that the GEMATRIA of the word TZITZIT equals 600, and eight strings of the TZITZIT and five knots, all together equaling 613, corresponding to the 613 Mitzvot of the Torah. But why do we need the garment to which the TZITZIT are attached?... Published: June 14, 2019 |
Shabbat – G-d’s Day to Re-JEWvinate .: Viewed: 1698 times :. Parshat Mishpatim repeats the Mitzvah of Shabbat which was already stated in the Ten Commandments. “Six days you shall do your work, but on the seventh day, you shall rest…..” (Shmot 23:12).
In the division of the Torah into chapters and verses, the account of Shabbat in the Creation story, in Bereshit, comes at the beginning of Chapter 2. The Abarbanel informs us, that... Published: February 7, 2018 |
SEFIRAT HAOMER - STEP BY STEP .: Viewed: 1698 times :. Jonny Maestro and the Crests had a hit song in the late 50’s called STEP BY STEP. Were they singing about Sefirat HaOmer? Counting the Omer is all about a process, a gradual STEP BY STEP spiritual development. The Zohar in Parshat Yitro states, when we were in Egypt we defiled ourselves with all kinds of impurities, until we were mired under forty nine levels of impurity. Still, G-d... Published: April 11, 2018 |
Was Haman Good for the Jews .: Viewed: 1696 times :. During the Festival of Purim we recite the Al Hanissim prayer. This prayer reads, “and for the miracles and for the salvations and for the mighty deeds and for the victories and for the battles which You performed for our ancestors in those days, and also at this time”. In this declaration of thanks to G-d, we use many expressions of gratitude for the miracles and salvations that... Published: February 20, 2018 |