Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students and Senior Lecturer at Diaspora Yeshiva, is not only a popular speaker and teacher, but also a dynamic thinker and writer. A student of Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky and Harav Gedalia Schorr, Rabbi Sprecher was granted smicha (rabbinical ordination) by Torah Vodaath Yeshiva. Prior to his current position, Rabbi Sprecher was a professor of Judaic studies at Touro College in New York. In addition to his duties at Diaspora Yeshiva, Rabbi Sprecher writes a regular column on various Judaic topics in the Jewish Press, and lectures regularly at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem.
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 How to Cure Electionitis  .: Viewed: 1959 times :.
Many people in Israel are now afflicted with Electionitis. This "malady"" causes people who support different political parties to verbally abuse and attack each other. This is classic Lashon Hara V' Sinat Chinom. How can we avoid falling into this vicious cycle? The Chofetz Chaim offers a profound explanation of the root of Sinat Chinom and Lashon Hara. The catalyst of discord is the focus...
Published: February 2, 2015
 Why was the Torah NOT given in Israel?  .: Viewed: 2312 times :.
Why did G-d give the Torah in the Sinai Desert rather than in the Holy Land? The Talmud explains that G-d wanted to demonstrate that the Torah didn't belong to one nation alone or even to one country. A desert is halachically designated as a MAKOM HEFKER (an ownerless place). The Torah was not given in the Land of Israel for that would have meant that it was to be uniquely for the HOLY LAND....
Published: January 26, 2015
 Trees R Us!  .: Viewed: 1956 times :.
In various places in Tanach a person is compared to a tree. "A person is like the tree of a field…"(Devarim 20:19). "For as the days of the tree shall be the days of  My people." (Yeshayahu 65:22). "He will be like a tree planted near water…"(Yirmiyahu 17:8   What does the tree metaphor represent? The Maharal explains that the human body is shaped like a tree. The...
Published: January 15, 2015
 The "Patience" of Slavery  .: Viewed: 1817 times :.
The Hagada says, "In every generation a person is obligated to see himself as if he had personally been liberated from Egypt." How do I personally make the transition from slavery to freedom when I was never a slave? Every person is, in a sense, born a slave – to ignorance, to lust, to passion, and to selfishness. Our task is to free ourselves from our personal, spiritual slavery to the...
Published: January 14, 2015
 The 4 Stages of the Final Redemption  .: Viewed: 2029 times :.
The prophet Michah 7:16 states, “As in the days of your leaving Egypt, I (G-d) shall show them marvelous wonders.” The prophet’s words imply that the Exodus from Egypt is the precedent for the Final Redemption. The Midrash Tanchuma states, “Just as in Egypt, I (G-d) shall redeem you in the Messianic future and shall perform miracles for you.” Indeed, gradual,...
Published: January 11, 2015
 The Burning Bush - Symbol of G-d and Israel in Exile  .: Viewed: 1912 times :.
Why did G-d first appear to Moshe in a burning bush? What is the symbolism? Rabbeinu Bachya regards the burning bush as a revelation that our nation, despite its sufferings such as the crematoria of Auschwitz, is eternal."The burning bush conjures up the image of a persecuted nation in iron chains , constantly aflame with suffering. Threatened on all sides,  against all odds, the...
Published: December 31, 2014
 Yaakov's Wandering Hands!  .: Viewed: 2065 times :.
The Torah tells us (Bereshit 48:14) that when Yaakov Avinu was blessing his grandsons, Ephraim and Menashe, "he manoeuvred his hands". Yaakov crossed his hands so that his right hand ended up on Ephraim, who was on his left side, and his left hand ended up on Menashe, who was on Yaakov's right side. The fact that Yaakov switched hands teaches us an important lesson about our interpersonal...
Published: December 29, 2014
 The Temple Mount Controversy  .: Viewed: 2233 times :.
Visiting the Temple Mount is a matter of dispute among the greatest Rabbis. The opinions range from forbidden, because it leads to bloodshed, or forbidden because we are ritually impure, or permitted if you know the Halachic preparations and the restrictive boundaries. There is also a Rabbinic view that it is important to visit in order to retain the Temple Mount for the Jewish People. On...
Published: December 15, 2014
 The Menora – Symbol of the Jewish State  .: Viewed: 2019 times :.
Our Chanukia has 8 lamps to commemorate the 8 day miracle of Chanuka. However, in the Beit Hamikdash the Menora had only 7 lamps. What is the significance of the 7 branched Menora and why is it the symbol of the State of Israel? The Torah commands Aharon, the High Priest, "When you light the lamps, towards the center of the Menora shall the seven lamps cast light." (Bamidbar 8:2) Why must...
Published: December 9, 2014
 Serving G-d in Joy Despite the Terror  .: Viewed: 1838 times :.
King David tells us in Tehillim 100, "Serve G-d with joy." How is it possible when we are surrounded by brutal Arab terrorists and savage murderers? Rambam provides the solution --- the Fear of G-d. When someone fears G-d, he serves Him in joy.  As it says, "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright of heart." (Tehillim 97:11)  A person derives happiness ...
Published: December 3, 2014
 Yaakov's Heavenly Wrestling Match  .: Viewed: 2570 times :.
Could Yaakov's wrestling with a mysterious angel have been the beginning of a process of Teshuvah for having taken the blessings of his brother Eisav? Rambam states that an essential element of Teshuvah is acknowledgement of the wrongdoing and a deep sense of regret and shame for the sin. The mysterious angel who wrestled with Yaakov may have been Yaakov himself – his inner...
Published: November 26, 2014
 Are the Deceased Aware of Us?  .: Viewed: 2576 times :.
Are the Deceased Aware of Us? In memory of my student Karen Yemima bat Avraham V'Sarah, murdered by an Arab Terrorist ×”×™"ד When we visit a cemetery or remember a loved one on a Yahrzeit, we may find ourselves wondering whether the deceased are aware of us.  Do they know what we are thinking about, what we are feeling?  Do they empathize with our travails?  Do they see our...
Published: November 12, 2014
 Avraham's Eshel Tree  .: Viewed: 3871 times :.
The Torah informs us in Bereshit (21:33), "And he (Avraham) planted an Eshel tree in Beer Sheva, and there he proclaimed the Name of Hashem, G-d of the Universe." Why does the Torah have to tell us about Avraham's planting of a tree? The Torah is not ancient history, but G-d's authorized manual for our daily lives. Moreover, how is "proclaiming the Name of Hashem, G-d of the Universe" related...
Published: October 29, 2014
 Simchat Torah – The Torah's Joy!  .: Viewed: 1889 times :.
The name Simchat Torah is usually understood to refer to the joy we have in dancing with the Torah. An equally valid explanation, however, and one which is emphasized by the "Sisu V'Simchu" prayer after the dancing – is the joy that the Torah has from us.  That is, we do not dance only for our own pleasure. We also dance to honor the Torah. Every other time of the year we have the...
Published: September 21, 2014
 Lord and Tailor  .: Viewed: 1981 times :.
"And the Lord G-d made for Adam and his wife garments of skin, and He clothed them." (Bereshit 3:21) The Midrash (Bereshit Rabba 20) plays on the word, OR (skin), spelled Ayin Vav Resh in this verse and the word OR (light), spelled Aleph Vav Resh.  This Midrash offers a different reading of this verse according to Rav Meir's Torah Scroll where the word OR in this verse is written with an...
Published: September 17, 2014
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