Skywriting The Ten Commandments Published: Thursday, January 21, 2016 07:07:43 PM Number of views: 2370 |
"And all the people saw the sounds (of the Ten Commandments)" (Shemot 20:15). The Kli Yakar explains this verse as meaning that the Jewish People actually saw the words of the Ten Commandments, as they were being proclaimed by G-D. Each Jew saw the Holy Letters being formed in mid-air, as if G-D was actually doing skywriting.
Why was this necessary, given that the Jews also heard these very same words being spoken by G-D. The Chidushei Harim, presents an amazing answer to this question. Without actually seeing the words of the Ten Commandments, the word "LO-DO NOT" could be misinterpreted. The word "LO" meaning "DO NOT" and "LO" with a VAV meaning "to him", are pronounced the exact same way but are spelled differently. This can cause a major misunderstanding if the words are only heard and not seen.
For example, the prohibition of murder, "LO TIRTSACH", if only heard, could instead be interpreted as "LO TIRTSACH" with a VAV instead of an ALEF. IT would them mean, "For His sake (G-D), you may murder". It is just amazing how the Parsha of the week speaks to Current Events. Our so called "Peace Partners", always invoke G-D's name in order to justify their murder of Jews. In fact, Abu Mazen's murderous incitement of his people against the Jews, is all the sake of "Allah".
Thus, we have a duty and an obligation to proclaim loud and clear to our Arab cousins "Do not murder in the name of your god". |